Stream Team 760

CCFF is Missouri Stream Team 760. Once per quarter, we monitor the water and environmental quality of Saline Creek located in Miller County. The section of stream we inspect is located on the Saline Valley Wildlife Area. We monitor what kinds of and how many bugs are in the water, pick up trash that has been left around and in the creek, and look to see if there is a healthy population of fish. Members who participate in Stream Team earn an extra nametag for the drawing at the annual banquet.

For dates and times of the this and any other CCFF activity, please see the calendar of events.

Aquatic Entomlogy (Biological Monitoring for Fly Anglers) presented by Shelly Banks, MO Stream Team

Requires Microsoft Powerpoint Player (Free) or Office Suite Software ($$$) to view slides show.

For more information regarding stream teams and available training, visit this URL: MO Stream Team.